Thursday, February 12, 2015

Plantain Farming in Nigeria: Reasons Why You Should Inter-Crop

Post Number 15 

For maximum revenue and steady cash flow, you can do inter-cropping on your plantation farms. For example, a plantain farm can be inter-cropped with short duration and compatible crops like ‘egusi’ melon or water melon at specific population densities per hectare of land. 

Note that not all short duration crops are compatible with plantain for inter-cropping. A short duration crop is a crop that can be planted and harvested within 90 days.

A plantain farm of a specified size, say a hectare containing……..number of plants could be inter-cropped with either ‘egusi’ melon or water melon at population densities of ………plants per hectare for egusi melon or…………number of plants for water melon respectively.

Note again that the specified population densities must not be exceeded else it will have a negative impact on the plantains.

The advantage of inter-cropping is that while waiting for the plantains to mature for harvest in about 12 months, you will be harvesting the water melon every 10-12 weeks which creates steady cash flow.  Therefore, go do inter-cropping on your plantain farm to avoid become cash strapped while waiting for the plantains to mature.